Sunday, June 27, 2021

26 June 2021 Not "Goodbye," but "See You Later"

The past week was bittersweet as we had our final All Mission Conference with President and Sister Runia.  With nearly 12 young missionaries and the Mata'utias also scheduled to leave  us soon, this was a day to share priceless memories and lasting friendships.  After the morning of devotionals, hymns, instruction from Runias, the luncheon was held. 

Karen Scott, wife of President Aaron Scott, 1st counselor in the mission presidency, out did herself once again.  All the senior office couples had been to their home last week for another surprise good-bye dinner with the many friends Runias have throughout the wards and stakes.  So it was not surprising to see another beautifully prepared dining experience.  The missionaries love when she is catering their Zone conferences and other gatherings.  I arrived early to  "help" but found most was already done.  We had a few last minute touches for the dessert table and drinks and then it was time to enjoy.

Beautiful table settings 

Dessert table of cake and ice cream cookie bar with chocolate "lollies"

Getting seated and ready to eat!

And the masks can come off now!

After luncheon and dessert, it was time for the missionary created videos all set to well know Disney musicals with their own interpretations!  Lots of laughter and smiling.  But it didn't stop there. On to performances too.

Sister Stubbs and Sister Tonumaipe'a performed a Tongan dance with others joining in at one point.  
And then the leis were given to Runias.  But that wasn't all.  Everyone received a missionary made candy (or lollie) lei to share as they wished.  Those leaving us were showered with love!

Those leaving us include Sisters Salima, Pham, Lealofi, Foisa, William, Stubbs, Kerwin and Elders Min, Ruagi, Ma Chong, Trillo, Kaburara along with Runias, and Mata'utias.  A few have some delays due to their home countries still having limited flights but we keep working with consulates and the travel department to help them get back to their homes.  Many have served past their release dates with continued dedication.  And as it is said here, it is never "Good-bye," just always, "See you Later!"

Elder Trillo always happy and willing to do what was asked of him including wearing his lollie-made crown.

President Scott and Tammy Runia could hardly hold their heads up from all the love they were shown!

The Mata'utias were overwhelmed with the missionaries' generosity to them.  They have been so devoted to their self-reliance responsibilities.  We will miss them a great deal also. 

Sister William and Sister Lealofi

Sisters Stubbs, Kerwin, and Pham

A little bit of dancing!

The whole group with their leis of love as I call them

Serenading with Tongan music

Elder Elisara leading a Samoan song

And of course, the Haka to show honor 

At this point some of the Australians thought it would be good to remember that the mission is actually in Sydney and began singing "Waltzing Matilda" which everyone joined in.  I am certain had this been anything other than a mission conference, the party may have lasted much longer!  But the missionaries had an afternoon of volleyball and lawn games under the direction of the Assistants, Elder Davison and Afoa.  And then the clean- up began.

Many of the young missionaries left on Wednesday with only a cancelled flight to Melbourne being rescheduled.  Then Elder Trillo's itinerary changed totally and we spent Wednesday getting his documents ready to transit through two different countries rather than the originally scheduled flights.  The good news was he could read and complete the Spanish documents for Madrid!  But it all worked out.  Even Elder Ruagi who, like several before him, had to fly across the Pacific 17 hours to Los Angeles, and then wait all day in LAX before boarding the flight back across the ocean to Tahiti.  The pandemic has caused such difficulties in travel home for these young adults. 

By Friday, Sydney was reporting an increase in cases of COVID19,  Vaccinations have been slower than desired.  Unfortunately, this now means that by Friday night the government issued lockdown orders for a week,  By Saturday, the orders changed to lockdown until July 9.  We can leave for essential shopping, medical, work if it can't be completed remotely, and limited outdoor exercise.  So here we go again.  Just like a year ago,   We were feeling pretty safe and maybe too complacent.  So the masks are back on in offices, public transportation, and shops if open.  

Our exercise on Saturday was a bush hike along the cliffs at Dee Why Beach.  This is probably my last visit for at least two weeks as we will need to stay closer to home now for exercise.  We had tickets to a play next Saturday so we are hoping to be rescheduled or for a refund now that it is closed down also.  

Our new mission president, Gabriel Reid and his family arrived two weeks ago and have been in hotel quarantine.  They should arrive here at the mission home this coming week only to continue guiding the mission through this lockdown,  We are looking forward to meeting them in person as opposed to Zoom where we first met them at the Conference and each night with the young missionaries.  "For such a time as this!"  


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