Sunday, May 16, 2021

16 May 2021 Night out at "Hamilton"

Months ago, six to be exact, we were able to purchase tickets to see "Hamilton."   Our days have been extremely busy this past week, but it was a wonderful break to take the ferry to Darling Harbour and walk just a few hundred meters to the theatre-no it wasn't at the Opera House!  We left the office as soon as we could and drove into Kiribilli where our friends Tim and Jennifer Chandler let us leave our car.  Grabbing a quick bite to eat, we arrived at the theatre following all protocols still in place.  

We love the view of the city lights at night too as we crossed the harbour.  

The Luna Park amusement park is currently being renovated as the darkened eye seems to indicate.

And of course, with Mel and Nina Anderson at Hamilton.  Yes, we wore our masks during the performance as required since the house was full.  No social distancing possible.  What a fun evening!  I wondered as an American watching "our" history performed how the Aussies would respond.  They loved it too.  Not real fans of King George either, though they are still part of the Commonwealth.


The Browns, Elwood and Penny, finished their mission this week.  The senior couples still serving along with President and Sister Runia took them out for Thai food as a goodbye dinner.  Another dinner the next night with all our young missionaries finishing or being reassigned to their original missions.  Wednesday we had about nine New Zealand missionaries arrive now that the travel bubble is opened between the two countries. The senior office couples each gave our specific orientation- I handle those phones- before another evening of good food.  I didn't have to cook at all this week!  

It feels like winter is arriving as the temperatures have dropped this week and with some days of rain and wind,  the courtyard shows the changes. Our second winter here and we haven't really needed coats the entire time we've been here yet.    

The weekends seem to be working in our favor recently.  We thought a bush hike by another northern beach would be a great way to spend a Saturday.  My hair stylist always gives me great suggestions so we diverted just a bit and went to hike from Curl Curl to Dee Why beaches.  But when we arrived and saw the high surf, we spent more time just watching the waves than completing our hike.  We went far enough to see Dee Why beach, but turned back to spend a little more time just watching the surfers. 

We met a couple that had been up since dawn photographing the surf and different beaches.  We asked them why on such a beautiful day, more people weren't at the beaches.  They just laughed and reminded us they were Australians, 70 degree days were not a big enough draw, and it is the first part of winter! They added that since the beaches are here all the time, Sydneysiders tend to be picky about beach days.  We laughed, enjoyed our brief visit, and  shared why we are living here right now as volunteer missionaries.  

View of Curl Curl beach and the start of our bush walk.

Down at the rock pool the waves were crashing high and often.  Don ventured out and then could not resist getting in the water while I tried to capture the sight.  

That tiny speck on the right is Don about to get drenched

After a while, one wave looks just like the next!!  But a lovely day nevertheless to get out and enjoy another beautiful Australian beach day and hike.  

1 comment:

  1. What a great record you are keeping! Thanks for including us- I love to see the wonderful pictures and learn a little more about our huge and impactful neighbor, Australia! Not to mention two very hard and impactful volunteers who are really making a difference! (So glad you got to see Hamilton!)
