Saturday, April 10, 2021

11 April 2021 Afraid of Heights? No problem!

What a beautiful day to be "on top of the world!"  A few of the senior missionaries decided we'd waited long enough and it was time to tackle the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb.  The Browns drove up from Canberra and with Andersons and Steve Pollard, we made the 3 hour climb altogether.  Of course, the first hour or so is just getting into the coveralls and loading all the gear which is about 5 lbs. We even had to "practice" climbing up and down  he ladder steps with a simulator before hitting the bridge!  We were very impressed with the level of safety and preparation.  Our guide was fabulous also. The wind was blowing steady, but the headphones held our hats on most of the time.  

This bridge is the single largest steel arch bridge but not the longest.  It is 440 ft. (134m) from the water below.  The views of course are stunning.  We chose the daytime climb though there are dawn, twilight, and nighttime climbs available.  Our pictures even include the views at those times.  The disappointment we have felt knowing our children and grandchildren cannot come visit right now was never more obvious to us as we kept looking at each other and repeating, "Wouldn't the kids love this?!"  It was sibling day too (whoever made that up!) and I knew how much fun it would have been to have our sisters and brothers and their spouses with us. 

We climbed over 1300 steps up to the summit and back down.  There are pictures of celebrities that have also climbed but some just took the elevator up so that really doesn't count, does it? I thought I handled my trepidation with heights remarkably well.  I just didn't look down, only out to the horizon.  You also do not see through the steps to the water or traffic below so that helped a lot. 

This  will be our Christmas photo this year!

The entire group- holding on to my complimentary hat

This is how it looks going up.  Everyone is actually hooked on with a lock device that slides as you climb.

This would be the dawn and nighttime views.

Twilight view

Time to  buy our sweatshirts and T-shirts that said we'd made the climb.  In China, it's said that no one is a hero unless you've climbed the Great Wall.  I think we could say the same here in Sydney about the bridge!

This struck us as funny as we walked to grab some lunch in The Rocks area after our climb.  Missionaries using the Mission Stairs just seemed so apropos.

Before Easter, the service center had another wonderful BBQ lunch which we were all invited too.  Grilled steak, chicken, and sausages are mainstays.  We love working alongside our Aussie friends and colleagues.  

The missionaries always come to my office to find chocolate.  But they surprised me this week by sneaking in and filling the jars themselves.  I laughed and said they didn't need to do that; I would get more.  But their response was, "We wanted to do this because you get it for us all the time."  It won't last long!

Special little remembrances from some Australian friends at this time of year.  

A beautiful Easter, new temples announced that have some significance to our family, and grateful hearts to be able to serve here for the next 5 months.  


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