Wednesday, March 17, 2021

14 March 2021 A Great "P" Day!

Our technology missionary sisters, Sister Abel and Sister Forbes, planned a special outing for this week's preparation day or "P" day as it's always been known by missionaries.  Though cleaning apartments, laundry, shopping and checking in with home still had to be done, most of the day was planned for all the young female missionaries to be together. The senior sisters were invited to join in.  

Half of us met at Woolrich Wharf and took the ferry to Circular Quay in the city.  The other group met up with us there.  Then, the entire group boarded the "fast" ferry and took off for Watson's Bay on the South Head peninsula. The view from the cliffs are stunning and all of us loved hiking around the area.  For most of the young missionaries this was their first time to see these sights while serving in Sydney.  

Watching a ray swim in the shallows as we waited for the ferry

Everyone was so excited to be together for the day.  The missionaries were able to meet up with their former companions and friends from throughout the mission.  We loved getting to visit and enjoy the beautiful sites.  

Sister Missionaries of Sydney Australia

Views from the cliffside looking southward 

Cockatoos sunning under some rock cliffs

Looking northward 

 A pudgy bodied Kookaburra

"The Tree of Knowledge" fig tree at Watson's Bay and back on the ferry for our return trip. 

Returning to Woolrich Wharf , we drove to a local park not far from the mission office for a BBQ and afternoon of food and games.  Hamburgers, sausages, fruit, chips, and drinks had been prepared for us by Karen and Amelia Scott and Jennifer Chandler.  A little basketball, lots of volleyball and even more lounging and visiting as the weather changed.  Fortunately, not a lot of rain until later that evening. 

That evening everyone met at President and Sister Runia's home for some more food!  Sister Runia prepares amazing meals for the missionaries and again, we were not disappointed.  Everyone spent some time writing positive affirmations and then the Senior Sisters were all invited to be on a panel answering questions the younger missionaries had submitted.  With Sister Runia as  moderator, and President Runia adding his insights, we laughed and gave all the advice we could muster.  Questions ranged from higher education to working to marriage and motherhood to service to time management to challenges like widowhood and mental illness.  Serious questions but still lots of laughter and fun together.  Seeing that it was International Women's Day also, we loved sharing that sisterhood has no age limits.

Beautiful young ladies and all committed to serving as missionaries at this time in their lives. 

And the wisdom of the ages! (or it is aged?!)
Jennifer Chandler, Nina Anderson, Gail Pollard, Arouma Mata'utai, Geneive Ormsby, Theresa Thomas, Yvonne Pownall, and me

All the senior couples along with President and Sister Runia had another dinner later in the week to say good-bye to our good friends, Mike and Theresa Thomas.  They have completed their 18 months of service and are returning home. However, they don't know where that will be since they sold their house and have to find a new home! But they are not worrying about it.   For the time being, they plan to stay with a daughter, get acquainted with a new daughter-in-law they acquired while in Australia, play with grandkids and get all their seven children and families together at the end of the month.    

Don and I met them our first day in Australia as they came and picked us up at the airport.  We have lived two houses apart, shared many wonderful hours working along side daily, and planning walks and outings together along with the other senior couples.  It is hard to see them leave as they have become such dear friends and confidants.  But I did inherit their breadmaker, so I will see if I can do as well as Mike in turning out delicious loaves.  

Saturday, Mel and Nina Anderson joined us to spend time at Manly on the beach.  Back at Circular Quay, we enjoyed these men performing traditional aboriginal music with a didgeridoo and other authentic instruments.  The weather was great for a beach day outing.  We enjoyed the rock pool for a little while but the ocean was calling.  Good waves to enjoy with a little body surfing.   A decent burger and milkshake at Betty's Burgers and we all returned home rejuvenated.  

Enjoy a quick listen!  

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