Sunday, February 21, 2021

21 February 2021 Finally, a Saturday out again!

February brought some interest in the Australian Open Tennis Tournament and the United States Super Bowl.  Here are pictures showing the two rooms in our office lounge areas complete with snacks for a Super Bowl party brought by our Aussie friend who is nuts about American football.  So we enjoyed a number of breaks throughout our work hours keeping up with the game.  

We half-heartedly thought about getting a cheap airline flight to Melbourne to take in some of the Australian Open on one weekend since seats were now available.  But sadly, due to another city-wide 5 day lockdown, we wouldn't have been able to get in or out!  The night the lockdown started the fans had to leave at 11:30 right in the middle of a match in order to be home for the imposed curfew that began at midnight.  So matches were played without fans with recorded cheering and clapping and we stayed home, safe and sound. 

Summer has been not what we expected at all due to so much rain this year.  After the droughts and fires of last year at this time though it is very welcome.  However, the last two weekends we have been housebound with the rainy weather.  In fact we had a senior missionary couples activity planned but had to postpone it too.  But the weather cleared this weekend so we took the "fast" ferry to Manly to spend so time on the beach!  FINALLY, we were able to get out again after two weeks of our steady work with legalities, humanitarian projects, and mission office work.  

The weather was beautiful and the beach wasn't crowded at all as it often is.  The clubbie volunteer lifeguards were out watching the rips and reminding swimmers to swim between the flags.  The professional service lifeguards were also in their buggies patrolling the beach and giving directions over the loudspeakers about areas to avoid.  

We were surprised to find that we were on the beach the same day as matches of the Beach Volleyball Australian Championship were taking place. The finals were on Sunday.  Another interest I found was watching the little "nippers" learning to surf.  These children were clearly were ready to face the waves and it was fun to watch all of them and watch their instructor directing them.  


It is the time of year when the infamous bluebottles are washing up on the shore.  Not as large or as venomous as their cousin, the Portuguese Man-0-War, they are still able to cause quite an uncomfortable sting.  We have seen huge groups of them washed ashore on the local  news so we found a few and hoped not to encounter any in our own dip in the sea.   

Bluebottles live in colonies and the "float" or sac can can grow up to 15 cm.  These weren't that big but to me still fascinating to see.  The long tenacle that floats behind can wrap around its prey and it would be like thousands of harpoons shooting into it.  For humans, it's not as deadly but still a pretty painful sting which lasts up to 1/2 hour.  Another type of bluebottle is much more dangerous and has more than one tenacle which inflicts great pain and can cause serious problems. 

 After a great day out and a good dinner, we headed home by ferry and bus.  We passed by some of the Lunar artwork on display throughout the city.  Again, though many of the festivities were reduced this year, there is still artwork and some other festivities around the city. 

The Ox lights up outside the Customs House

Art works found all around the city celebrating the Year of the Ox. 

Next weekend we head to Nowra, south of Sydney where we will explore another region of New South Wales.  


  1. Blue bottles! How I remember them. Got stung on my shoulder and hand and it was painful.We have lots of snow here. At least a foot or more and it is snowing again today. Love the pictures of the ocean. I cant remember if I told you that Sam and I were called on a service mission. We are assistance to the Institute director here. We work with the Young Adults. We go to family home evenings,ward council,and I cook 2 meals a week for them before institute classes.We are at the Institute building at least 4 times a week. We are suppose to be the grandparent figures. Do I feel old!They really are a nice group of kids.We have a lot of athletes. The gymnast from Utah is fantastic. we have people from the track team and wrestlers. A lot of grad students too. Also people who are working. Some have gone through some pretty tuff times. Great Bishop. I know more people in the YSA ward than my own ward. Mandy has both her Covid shots now so we don't have to worry about her getting it. She is really enjoying orthodontics. All her kids are fine, Timmy is getting baptized next month.Maryanne is playing the violin and is in the City Youth Orchestra. Caleb is taller than Grandma and Henry just started learning to play the cello. Still putting pictures up in my home. Hopefully will get everything done soon. Take care, Asenath

  2. Fantastic Jill!!
    Thanks for posting! Thinking of you both!
    Love, Claire, John and Taylor

  3. I love reading your updates . They are very interesting and I’m jealous you got to go to the beach! Great pictures

  4. I love seeing your updates. The pictures are great but I’m jealous you got to go to the beach
