Sunday, December 20, 2020

20 December 2020 Season's Greetings

For many years throughout the Christmas season, the grounds of  the Australia Sydney temple and the adjacent office campus have been totally lit with lights and exhibits of artwork honoring the birth and life of Jesus Christ.  Thousands of people strolled past the lit trees, and the grounds themselves also became a place for family picnics and gatherings. The missionaries enjoyed being guides and visiting with all the attendees. We were really looking forward to the experience. Unfortunately, not this year.

Due to pandemic requirements, controlling large crowds would be problematic. And today, there are more restrictions due to a new outbreak on the northern beaches. The government sign-in procedure and contact tracing logs would be difficult to monitor. So a very restrained display with just a few trees lit is all there is to see this year.  Don heard a woman ask tonight, "Where are all the lights?"  When the security guard said she was still welcome on the grounds, she remarked, "But there's nothing to see this year."  I had to agree that the few lit trees, nativity, and large Christus art are nothing compared to what people have come to expect and enjoy. 

And yet we still feel the wonder of the season and hope for the Light of the World to touch every heart especially this year.  So many aches and losses for people struggling all over the world.  We continue look to Him who is the only true source of peace and comfort. 

We were treated to dinner this week by our friends James and Emily Li.  He serves in the bishopric of the Young Single Adult ward that we attend on Sundays.  We live just minutes apart and they invited us to their favorite restaurant.  Also, joining us was their good friend, Phil Lin, whose wife has not been able to return home since March as she had gone to visit family in China.  They think it will be close to a year before they can be reunited.  

Choosing the lobster was the first decision made when we arrived.  Then, less that 10 minutes later, it arrived, prepared, and ready to eat.   

The Barramundi and other dishes soon followed.  A lot of food, wonderful company, and a nice evening out since we haven't eaten out a great deal during the pandemic.  

James and Emily Li

Phil Lin

It looks like our plans to leave the area for a little Christmas holiday are cancelled.  Sydney is experiencing a surge in Covid cases since last week and locked downs have been ordered for at least a week.  Even a few cases are taken seriously here.  The cluster numbers are nothing compared to the U.S. but the attitude here is to go hard right at the beginning of problems.  No one likes it of course, but people seem to follow these directives with some grumblings knowing by doing so everyone will keep the economy moving along easier.  However, closed borders means family plans to be together have been effectively cancelled.  And that is NOT going down easy.

All the other states have closed their borders again to New South Wales and people from the greater Sydney area are being asked not to travel even regionally which was our plan for Christmas. Things could change by Wednesday, but I suspect we will just stay put.  Even the famous New Year's Sydney fireworks are being carefully controlled.  I had hoped we would get to see those but the government is issuing "tickets" on who can go into the Central Business District so the crowds are controlled.  Though we have friends who live in sight of the harbour, one still has to apply for permission to enter the area.  

So instead of sitting on one of the southern beaches by Narooma where we were going this week, we will probably be sitting in our flat watching old movies and reading. And that will be fine too.  We will enjoy the day regardless of circumstance since the real reason we celebrate continues to burn brightly in our hearts and with our faith.  


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