Sunday, July 19, 2020

19 July 2020 Our Mission continues in the land of Oz

This week was bittersweet as we said good bye to two of our young sister missionaries.  They have been serving past their release dates as the pandemic as hampered efforts to get them to their own countries.  But finally, they were able to go.  Here I am with Sister Afo who I dearly admire and love.  She has been a great influence and I have loved getting to know her.  I will also love getting to hear from her and learn about the next chapters in her life. 

My driving continues to improve as I navigate driving on the left.  I just try to hug the middle of the road and love it when the traffic has to go slower.  However, some of the truckers must not agree.  As I was signaling my right hand turn, I must not have been getting over fast enough to satisfy the semi that was following.  Startling me with a long, blaring blast of his horn, I wondered why he was so impatient?!  Well, someone did the same to Don today again as we made another right turn.  Maybe I'll get one of the "P" or "L" signs to put on the car to indicate we are just novices!

With cases of Covid rising again, we thought we better stock up on some essentials.  So after some shopping, it was off to explore some of the southern beaches of Sydney.  With over 100 beaches around Sydney, we know we will never see them all but we might give it a go.  The surfers were out on a beautiful winter day.  The temperature was about 70 degrees as we walked along the bay.  Another great day to enjoy the water, beach and social distant from everyone else.  Next time, I'm bringing a picnic.

 Cronulla Beach on Bate Bay

Cronulla Point

 Waves were just right for the surfers. 

Hard to show the height of the waves

We were supposed to be able to start church services again today.  It seems strange to me that thousands can be allowed to fill stadiums for "footy" games with screaming and yelling, but we can't social distance and sing in religious settings.  Many opt to stay home a bit longer.  It will be interesting to see how things go this week. 

But we continue to follow all the guidelines.  With the state of Victoria shutting down again, pubs and restaurants are feeling the pain.  Now with cases rising here in NSW, we too may see restrictions again.  So, I wear my mask when out in the shops, and we've asked the young missionaries to make appointments instead of dropping by the mission office.  I really hate to see that happen, but we are the "old" guard that need protection I guess.  

1 comment:

  1. Jealous of your beautiful weather and beaches. It hit 110 degrees here Saturday.I could send you a picture of corn fields.:) Got to make a trip to Utah to see our family and the new babies this summer. We took Mandy's kids with us to see their cousins.Mandy is in school already. It is strange to see her name tag say Dr.Amanda Busch. We went to church for the 1st time since we moved to Lincoln. No singing or sitting by anyone. Everyone wears a mask. It lasted about 30 minutes.Our missionaries are stuck in their apartments or can be at the church buildings on Sunday.We had a face time lesson with them. They are the only ones we know in the ward besides the RS president. Still unpacking.Will it ever end! Hope things go well. Love reading your blog. Asenath
