Sunday, May 10, 2020

3-10 May 2020 The Farm, Beaches, and Mother's Day

It all began with a text from my friend, Linda Carroll.  "Jill, did you hear?" We can now have two adults over to check on us! Can you come for dinner?"  So last week we were finally able to drive out to see Ian and Linda Carroll, friends and fellow missionaries from when we all served in Germany. 

Australia is starting to re-open by different phases.  Each state has their own timeline, but the Prime Minister has suggested four phases.  New South Wales began by allowing two adults (along with any children they may have) to visit other families ostensibly to check on their well-being.  Grandparents are shouting for joy to see their grandchildren after two and a half long months.  

But we, of course, were going to check on the Carrolls and they of course would check likewise on our mental health.  We arrived out at their farm after a lovely drive through the countryside in time for lunch.  It felt so good to be away from the urban areas where we spend every day.  As Don commented to Ian, "This is what I picture when I think of Australia-the land."  The Carrolls warmly welcomed us and we shared a wonderful afternoon and evening catching up on our shared German experiences, our families' histories, and our current adventures never running out of things to talk about.  Linda has been a long-time caterer and so our meals were absolutely delicious and plentiful.  We took a walk around the property and they also drove us to see some other nearby developments.  They have plans to sell the farm in the future, but for today, we enjoyed their wonderful hospitality and the beautiful scenery from up on the hill where their beautiful home is located.    

 These pictures are views looking toward two of the ponds on their land along with two smaller homes that they lease.  Below are sheep and cattle (in the distance).  The grey gum trees (eucalyptus) were in evidence.  I started watching where I was walking more carefully as Linda regaled us with tales of finding two eastern brown snakes on their property this year.  Then there was the time another species of poisonous snake slithered across the floor as they watched television. "Imagine that?" she said. "We haven't had any problems with snakes for the 21 years we've been here." My heart was pounding as I imagined stepping on one!  Her final bit of advice, "Be sure to run if you see a funnel-web spider especially when they rear back- that means they are getting their fangs ready to bite." I did a little research and found most funnel-web spiders are around Sydney due to the densely populated area.  Oh great, I will run if I see ANY spider.  Just the cricket in the house had me jumping around!

Yesterday, we decided we wanted to take the Barrenjoey Lighthouse Walk.  This is the northern most point of Sydney.  We knew tours to the lighthouse itself were unavailable but were looking forward to the hike up from Barrenjoey Beach.  The lighthouse sits on a peninsula.  The beach below and the kitesurfing were on one side of the peninsula call the Barrenjoey Beach located by the Governor Phillip Park. 

Yet as we were heading to the trailhead, a security guard informed us we were not allowed to hike the trail due to the virus shutdowns apparently.  So the only pictures we could get were down below and from the sand dunes.  The North Palm Beach is the other side of the narrow peninsula. We are planning to return when the trail is open again so we can get pictures showing both sides of the land form.

                                      Barrenjoey Lighthouse looking up from North Palm Beach.

Flora, sand dunes, and North Palm Beach

Swimmers and some surfers in late fall here in the southern hemisphere

North Palm Beach - we will return here

So we found this catch of fish on the ground as we headed back to the carpark.  I told Don that since he loves sardines perhaps this could be his lunch!

Next we headed toward another one of the northern beaches by the suburb of Collaroy.  This is know for its great swimming conditions and great for beginning surfers.

The sun had broken through the clouds when we arrived.  The long expanse of beach is stunning and not crowded on this day.  I can only imagine the crowds at the height of summer.

Our final stop was a return to Australia's famous Bondi Beach.  We are even more enthralled since watching the television program here nightly of Bondi Rescue which highlights the work of all the professional lifeguards.  The first time we visited was several years ago during the summer season when the beach was full of people.  Now, with the Covid19 directives in place, the beach is limited to just swimmers at the north end and surfers at the south end.  No lounging on the beach and lots of space in between.  Another place we look forward to visiting again.  We especially want to do the Bondi to Coogee Walk which is along the coast and takes in five beaches with all the scenery and amenities along the way.

Northern part of Bondi Beach looking toward Backpackers Express

Mother's Day - a day that for me brings a lot of emotions. Like many mothers I know, I make too many comparisons to things I wished I'd done better often forgetting what I did do well-seeing the cup half-empty instead of seeing it half-full.  I always know there is one child I will not be hearing from who came to us on May 14 three days after Mother's Day in 1976.  But we are so grateful for the life she led and for her sister and sisters-in-law. They are four of the greatest mothers I know.

Looking on the brighter side, I love the quote from Howard W. Hunter.  "Any parent who has loved a child was a successful parent."  So no wallowing - just lots of love and thankfulness on this Mother's Day for our three wonderful children: Erin, Alison, and Dylan; our in-law children: Boyd, Jeff, Krystal and Rebecca; our grandchildren, Sam, Jena, Alex, Jackson, Kennedy, Avery, Josh, Evan, Sophie, and Isaac; and the other wonderful grandparents and families: the Rolfsons, the Lathens, the Perrys, and the Bartons, with whom I share all of the above.  

Tulip Clipart, Flower Clipart, Easter Flowers, Butterfly - Tulips ...

Our Erin - Forever young and never forgotten 


  1. Happy Mother's Day Jill. Always love reading your blog and seeing the pictures. Will be moving to Lincoln in a few weeks so all my adventures have been with packing boxes.Take care.

  2. So fun to hear of your adventures. At first I thought the picture of Erin was a young one of you! Beautiful woman. Our love to you both! Kay & Dave
