Monday, December 9, 2019

December 2019 Planning for another mission

We have received a call to serve another mission beginning in March 2020.  This time we will be in Sydney, Australia.  Don will again work for the Office of General Counsel (OGC) while I will probably discover new ways to serve after our arrival.  As I joked last time, "Don's mission and my vacation."  Well, that didn't last long at all!  

We have been busy submitting forms for visas and waiting for responses. Our plans in the next few months include visiting family in Texas, Colorado, and Utah in order to say good-bye for 18 months. Our family has been very supportive of our leaving them again even knowing we will be missing some important milestones in the lives of our grandchildren.  But with their support, we look forward to living in the southern hemisphere and discovering the allure of vegemite! 

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